Bloganuary: On Writing

What do you like about your writing?

Of all the topics, I like this least, which is strange as I can tell you clearly what I like about my photography and videography. I have to accept that I do not like my writing because I recognize that its quality has sharply declined.

I’ve lived in Japan for more than 20. I’ve also lived in France and India, which is to say that I’ve been outside the English speaking world longer that I’ve been a part of it. That fact, combined with the simple mindedness in social media communications means what was once my strongest attribute is now my weakest. I had honestly not thought about that reality until thinking on this topic.

My reading of good books and poetry — in English — is also in an inverse relationship with all the social media I consume, so my exposure to clear and concise expression is limited.

What do I like about my writing at present? Not much. About my Japanese writing, I love that I can write kanji (the complex Chinese characters). It makes traveling in China and communicating with Chinese people (outside of Western counties) possible — and fun. It also has deepened my understanding of Japanese.

Can you speak — and write — in a foreign language? Which ones? If not, what would you most like to learn? Let me know in the comments.


10 thoughts on “Bloganuary: On Writing”

  1. Accomplishing fluency in other languages is great. I am away from my native language, and I have lost the fluency and speak broken Navajo now. Your writing of the blog is well executed, but then I do not know how long you edited the blog before posting. I think we are more critical of our own writing and work than those we share it with.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you. Things change. I’m comparing my present situation to how I was twenty years ago — and in comparing, one side always loses. 😉

      Can I ask, since your native language is Navajo you grew up in North America, but most people don’t generally phrase it that way. How do you say where you’re from? For example,

      I’m from American.
      I’m from the Navajo Nation.

      My assumption (see the next blog prompt) is that even on the reservations English would have been the first language.


      1. I say I am Dine’ meaning I am Navajo. (I do not know how to get special lettering with this program at this time). Since most Native Americans were required to live on their respective reservation, saying I am Navajo was a known area. I was in High School in the late 1970’s when Native Americans were allowed to purchase land to own off the reservation and stopped being forced to boarding schools where only speaking English was allowed. The Navajo Nation pushed the young to get education in order to “fight” for our freedom to have our language, heritage and culture we were granted in treaties. There have been legal battles to have our children taught in schools on the reservation that are not boarding schools run by the federal government or missionaries. Even though the Navajo Nation is in the United States, many of our homes do not have electricity or running water. Former President Clinton was put to shame in Shiprock, New Mexico when he was president promising the Navajo Nation internet and cell phone towers, when our tribal president interrupted him and said we would be happier to get electricity and running water to every home.
        I am proud of who I am and where I come from.
        Today, our children are taught to speak and learn in Navajo at school, the adults who attended boarding schools are being taught to speak Navajo. Language is part of who we are.
        Thank you for your interest. I hope I did not bore you with the long reply.

        Liked by 2 people

        1. Oh wow. That is so interesting. The story of the Navajo nation sounds similar to that of the black peoples of South Africa. So awesome to read of how the Navajo nation has taken back control (forgive me if I have articulated that incorrectly)of their culture and language in particular.

          Liked by 2 people

        2. Oh, not at all. I love long form.

          The best part of the net is meeting people you’ll never have a chance to meet in real life, at least not easily.

          Talking with and reading people’s writing opens up questions and I’m always grateful when people take the time to respond.

          m(_ _)m

          Have a great day! 😀


  2. I remember when my friend Denali was in full immersion of Thai, from her job to her home life, and how she started to speak in broken English like the Thais she was hanging around.

    A mutual friend and I looked at each other after we had all had lunch or sth and we’re like, “Uhhh, do we need to stage an intervention?”

    Now, I haven’t been abroad as long as you, but I do light up when another English speaking expat says a ‘ten dollar’ word and it’s like sparkling water, I drink it up and say, “Oooo, that’s a word I haven’t heard in a while! I need to remember that!”

    Liked by 1 person

      1. OMG. No more complaining on your end. Your English does not appear to have suffered one bit. Then again, I’m assuming because I don’t know half the words you used! 😛

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What's that you say? I can't quite hear you. Do you mind writing that down here? 😁